Our Vision
The Business District Alliance of Fort Lee (BDA) is a non-profit organization that works in partnership with the Borough of Fort Lee to revitalize and promote The Fort Lee Town Center. Our objective is to create an environment where people will shop and live, for retailers to grow and thrive; by creating a vital community experience for all, visitors and residents alike.
The BDA programs focus on marketing and promotions, (including branding, web promotion, social media applications and special events), safety, beautification and way-finding, including streetscape and storefront improvements to signage.
Thanks to the dedication of our volunteer board of trustees who provide their time, talent and expertise, we are able to fulfill our purpose: to ensure the vitality of The Fort Lee Town Center.
Board + Staff
Ken Bruno, President
Denis Glennon, V.P.
James Liu, Secretary
Ashley Yook, Treasurer
Franceska Bezama
Councilman Joseph Cervieri
Luis Franco
Kiki Kim
Kathy Lee
Taehyo Michael Park
Frank Patti
Councilman Harvey Sohmer
Denise Sokolich
Mayor Mark Sokolich
Romina Starace
Natalie Chape’, Executive Director
Ken Bruno, President
Denis Glennon, V.P.
James Liu, Secretary
Franceska Bezama
Councilman Joseph Cervieri
Luis Franco
Kiki Kim
Kathy Lee
Taehyo Michael Park
Frank Patti
Councilman Harvey Sohmer
Denise Sokolich
Mayor Mark Sokolich
Romina Starace
Ashley Yook
Natalie Chape’, Executive Director
Official Documents
Ordinance #2014-11
An ordinance amending Chapter 356A The Fort Lee Special Improvement District within The Borough of Fort Lee and designating a district management corporation.
An ordinance amending Chapter 356A The Fort Lee Special Improvement District within The Borough of Fort Lee and designating a district management corporation.
Meeting Minutes
Board of Trustees Meetings
BDA Board meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6pm. With the exceptions of no meeting in July and November meeting will be the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The public can join via zoom here.